Accelerate your business potential
The Coffee Commune is here to educate, advocate and support you to thrive in the hospitality industry; to cut costs, grow your network and have your voice heard when important decisions are being made.
Accelerator membership offers you the chance to be part of a powerful industry buying group, specifically targeting savings and business opportunities for café, restaurant owners, roasters and the wider hospitality industry.
While deals and special offers are constantly being negotiated, our Partners are sharing innovative ways to deal with the critical issues our Accelerator members are dealing with – a WIN WIN for both our Accelerators and our Partners.
The Coffee Commune understands what makes the hospitality industry tick. Phillip Di Bella, and the rest of the executive team, made Di Bella Coffee one of the country’s strongest and most profitable coffee brands – a business built around strong relationships, knowledge, and expertise that is now available to all Coffee Commune.
Also, if you’re café owner or roaster, who is thinking of expanding, the Coffee Commune provides you with access to a purpose-built coffee production facility, giving you the choice of roasting on your own, letting us roast for you, or you can learn more tricks of the trade from our expert team. Our facilities are complete with roasting machines, packaging supplies, packing equipment, green beans, and a quality control lab – enabling you to expand your business without the risk or infrastructure costs of establishing a roasting plant.
Become an Accelerator member today.